Arnolfo di Cambio

Arnolfo di Cambio contest rules:
"The glass of the future"

The event regulated by this document is not subject to the guideline of competitions and rewarding events falling within the exclusion cases as indicated in Article 6 of the Presidential Decree dated October 26th, 2001, no. 430.

The contest is governed by the following Regulations (hereinafter also referred to as the “Regulations”) that participants are required to consult before joining the event.

    2023 marks the 60th anniversary of Arnolfo di Cambio, an iconic brand renowned for its design, style, elegance and quality – a proud example of Made in Italy.

    Arnolfo di Cambio is distinguished by a strong tradition that speaks to the past as well as to the future – a brand that is constantly striving to remain one step ahead. As a result, Arnolfo di Cambio has launched an international contest called “The Glass of the Future” – a competition aimed at designing and making a glass that best represents a vision of tomorrow.

    The contest will be officially introduced on April 18th, 2023, during the Salone del Mobile in Milan, with online registrations opening the same day. The deadline for the applications is June 18th, 2023, and the three finalists will be announced on the official website and social pages of Arnolfo di Cambio on July 18th, 2023. 3D printed models of the three selected projects will be presented in Paris during the retrospective exhibition “Sixty Years of Design in Crystal” in conjunction with the Maison & Objet fair (September 7th– 11th, 2023). The first winner, among the three finalists, will be determined by the public via online voting.

    AdC has officially launched a contest called “The Glass of the Future” to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its prestigious Italian glassware. Ah such, designers from all over the world are invited to propose their ideas of a multi-purpose glass of the future containing all the features that represent a precious item with a timeless soul that lasts forever.

    This is a competition that involves the world of design and designers at 360 degrees, making the brand known to the international digital community.

    Entries to the contest will be open on April 18th, 2023, in conjunction with the presentation of this activity at the Salone del Mobile in Milan. All the projects must be received no later than June 18th, 2023, in a multi-page pdf format containing: 1 complete technical drawing with measures, at least 2 renders and a brief description of the concept.

    The uploaded file must be named as follows: NAME_SURNAME. The internal pdf files must NOT contain any reference to the author in order not to influence the jury – subject to exclusion from the contest. All the projects must be uploaded on the page and the competition will be closed on June 18th, 2023 at 12:00AM, Italian time.

    The jury, composed of five international and multidisciplinary jurors, will gather on June 30th, 2023; the result of the contest will be announced through the official pages of Arnolfo di Cambio by July 3rd, 2023 and the three finalists will be notified accordingly.

    From 12:00AM on August 1st, 2023, to 12:00AM on September 8th, 2023, it will be possible to vote online to determine the winner. In addition, it will also be possible to vote the winner during the fair through a specific QR Code present on site. The first place winner will be awarded among the three selected finalists present at the event (as per paragraph 6 of this Regulations) during the Maison & Object exhibition, which will take place on September 8th, 2023 (after 12:00 AM, once the public voting is over).

    All projects that do not comply with the requirements will be excluded from the competition.

    Arnolfo di Cambio, a company specialized in the production of crystal items, was founded in 1963 in Colle Val d’Elsa, Italy. Nowadays, it is a part of the Compagnia Italiana del Cristallo Srl, located in Siena, via Pian dell’Olmino, 81 – 53034 Colle Val d’Elsa (SI) – PIVA 00285430526.

    The company’s success is mainly due to the entrepreneurial spirit of its members who, over three generations, have incessantly soughtout new technologies and created highly innovative projects, allowing the company to stand out for its unique designs.

    In the last 60 years, Arnolfo di Cambio has treasured the artistic heritage of master glassmakers, combining it with technological innovation and always investing in prolific collaboration with internationally renowned designers, artists who have conferred the glassware its outstanding style.

    Among the best-known and most interesting examples, it is worth mentioning the Smoke glass by Joe Colombo and the Mapan glass by Sergio Asti, both part of the permanent collection of the MoMa in New York, or even the iconic tumbler from Cibi collection that became internationally known thanks to the famous film Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott.
  4. THEME
    A Future Glass with a Precious Soul: making an Arnolfo di Cambio product means to be aware of having to create an object that enhances the intrinsic characteristics of crystal and the qualities of an Italian artisan product, enhancing its brilliance and refractive qualities.

    To attend “The Glass of the Future” contest all the designers have to bear in mind three important features: ergonomics, functionality and communicability.

    The three final projects will be presented and shown as 3D prints at the exhibition for the 60th anniversary of Arnolfo di Cambio at the Maison & Object in Paris. To attend the event, the three finalists will be rewarded with a trip and stay in Paris. Furthermore, they will participate in special initiatives organized by the brand on this special occasion.

    The three finalists will be voted online by the public and it will be possible to cast a vote both remotely and physically during the fair through specific QR Code. The first place winner will receive a set of Arnolfo di Cambio glasses worth €500 (500 euros).

    Moreover, the three winning glasses will be presented on a crowdfunding site with the ultimate purpose of production; in case of positive market feedback, it will follow a lifetime trade agreement for the use of the design.

    The overall winner will be proclaimed by voting on the website and will be announced on September 8th, 2023 during the Maison & Object fair in Paris
    The participants will be judged by a jury of five different experts, all of them related to the design world.

    • a) Prof. François Burkhardt: Head of the Jury. He is a theorist, historian,
      as well as architecture and design critic. Born in 1936 in Winterthur (Switzerland), in forty years of experience he taught in Austrian, German and Italian institutes and universities. He was a director of some important European cultural institutions including the Kunsthaus in Hamburg, the IDZ (Internationales Design Zentrum) in Berlin and the CCI (Centre de Création Industrielle) of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. He is the author of various essays, and he has edited “Traverse”, “Domus”, “Crossing” and “Rassegna” magazines. He has received numerous awards, including the Compasso d’Oro for International Career
    • b) Gabriele Bagnasacco: CEO of Arnolfo di Cambio, he also leads the Compagnia Italiana del Cristallo Srl that is the licensee of several internationally renowned brands. He is always attentive to design and designers, he has collaborated with Joe Colombo, Cini Boeri, Enzo Mari and many others.
    • c) Franck Millot: Partnership & Special Events director of Maison & Object in Paris; he has also been the director of Design Week in Paris since 2011. He is a true international design expert
    • d) Andrea Ruggiero: Award-winning Industrial Designer and Professor of Industrial Design at the Parsons School of Design in New York
    • e) Massimo Maestri: CEO of Matiba Digital Marketing, expert in web and visual communication, he has a twenty-year experience of collaboration with several Italian and International companies.
    By participating in the contest the authors of the projects confirm and attest, for any effect of law, as follows:

    • a) They are aware of the present Regulations.
    • b) The projects proposed for the Contest are actually property of the author, it means each project was created by the author himself. They also authorize the Promoting Company to use them for the purposes of the communication of the contest (online and offline), including promotion on social networks, as well as for advertising purposes and future communications without any claim.
      Specifically, by joining the contest the author assigns all the project’s rights of use to the Promoting Company definitively and free of charge, or rather, the project’s images could be used on all media, both offline and online, in Italy and abroad (to date and in the future) for commercial, promotional and informative purposes related to its activities.
    • c) The projects do not contain obscene material, explicitly sexual, violent, offensive and defamatory and/or in any way and in any form contrary to common decency.
    • d) The projects shall not contain material that is discriminatory in terms of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, political and/or personal beliefs, age, or in violation of intellectual property rights, of moral rights, copyright or personal data protection rights of third parties, publishing rights and that in general respects the provisions of the Copyright Law (Law no. 633 of April 22nd, 1941) and subsequent amendments.
    • e) The Promoting Company will not be liable in any way for the following problems:
      • the Internet connection;
      • hardware and software;
      • loss of information provided by participants for a cause not attributable to the Promoting Company;
      • human and/or electronic errors;
      • all kinds of inconvenience that could prevent the good performance of the contest.

    a) Should any abnormalities be detected (duplicates, fictional names, fake nicknames, false accounts and/or fake personal data such as e-mail address, age, etc.), those submissions will not be considered, and they will be permanently deleted.
    b) The participation in the contest implies the acceptance of each part of the Regulations without reservations. Any attempt to cheat and any incorrect or false statement will result in immediate disqualification. It is strictly forbidden to modify or attempt to modify the instructions relating to the contest, in particular the methods and elements that determine its success. The Promoting Company reserves the right to bring legal actions against anyone who does not comply with this Regulations or who has committed fraud or attempted fraud.
    c) The Promoting Company reserves the right to respect the deadlines for sending the acknowledgments to the winners, once it has had the certainty of their identity and the confirmation of their willingness to receive the aforesaid acknowledgments from the same users and individuals who have accepted the acknowledgment.

    The Court of Siena will be exclusively competent for any dispute that arises in any case relating to the validity, effectiveness, interpretation, implemen
    tation of these Rules and for any dispute relating to the release and use of the authorisations of paragraph 8. All relations between the organizers and the participants or between the participants are governed by this Regulations, all that is not controlled in this Regulations is governed by the Italian law.

Compagnia Italiana del Cristallo Srl
Colle Val D’Elsa, April 11th 2023


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