Arnolfo di Cambio



Originality, ease of handling and elegance for an undeniable ritual of true Italian taste.

The Quadriga set combines aesthetics and functionality: the tray’s wings allow for a comfortable grip and prevent annoying spills, just like the four convenient housings that hold the cups in place.
Moreover, Quadriga was also designed to stimulate creativity: the cups’ housings can, in fact, contain spoons, sugar cubes, chocolate, or anything else you wish  to enjoy along with coffee.

*** L'azienda chiuderà per le festività natalizie da martedì 24 dicembre a lunedì 6 gennaio compresi. Gli uffici riapriranno martedì 7 gennaio.

Our company will be closed for Christmas holidays from Tuesday, December 24th till Monday, January 6th. Our offices will re-open on Tuesday, January 7th. ***


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