Arnolfo di Cambio

“The triangular outline of the foot emphasises the refraction effect by binding perfectly to the circular glass parison: a brave design that presented several technical challenges.”



A master of industrial design created for Arnolfo di Cambio a collection of glasses characterized by their harmoniously irregular shape.


beauty and technique

A design conceived as a means to harmonise the contrast between triangularity and circularity, posing some serious challenges even to Arnolfo di Cambio’s master crystal blowers. To blow glass in a circular shape starting from a triangular base is quite a complex process, which therefore requires high technical skills. In fact, the glass originated from a single piece of crystal made with a single blow.


L'azienda chiuderà per ferie estive da sabato 3 a domenica 25 agosto compresi. Gli uffici riapriranno lunedì 26 agosto p.v.

Our company will be closing on Summer vacation from Saturday, August 3rd till Sunday August 25th. Our offices will open on Monday, August 26th again.


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